Fun Facts About Trees – Advantages of Fall Planting
When is the best time to plant trees? Generally speaking, the best time to plant trees is in the early spring and late fall when the weather is cool, and trees are not actively growing. However, suitable planting time can vary significantly depending on various factors such as location, soil type and the type of planting stock being planted.
I was recently reminded why I generally prefer fall planting of deciduous trees here in eastern Nebraska. Simply put, fall-planted trees typically require much less watering to become established – both at planting time and the following spring. In fact, it’s been my experience in Waverly that I can plant deciduous trees in the fall, water them in once or twice, and then not have to water them much at all the following year, especially if spring and summer rains are decent, which of course is no guarantee here in Nebraska!
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Justin Evertson
Green Infrastructure Coordinator
Nebraska Forest Service & Nebraska Statewide Arboretum University of Nebraska-Lincoln
203G Forestry Hall, UNL 68583-0815
402-472-6604 |