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Rocky Mountain Region
Margie Soileau
Rocky Mountain Region
Director 2021-2023
Regional Officers
Alternate Director: Betty Roberts, Colorado
Secretary & Historian: Roberta Bolton, Utah
Treasurer: Lynette Jeffres, Wyoming
Parliamentarian: Mary Lerssen, South Dakota
Advisory Chairman: Jackie Watts, Kansas
Webmaster: Phyllis White, Montana
Rocky Mountain Rambler: Joanne Jeffres, Wyoming
Director's Message
As the Rocky Mountain Region Director, I am looking forward to
visiting and getting to know the garden clubs in the Rock Mountain Region.
I have lived in Colorado Springs, Colorado, with my husband, Raphael, and Family for 36 years, and I have finally adapted to Xeric gardening. After struggling for many years, I now have perennials, shrubs, and trees, not a blade of grass. I never even knew there were garden clubs until a friend of mine invited me to attend a meeting with her. Immediately felt at home, and the rest is history. I so enjoy the friendships and activities of garden clubs, and the knowledge I have gained is priceless.
During the next two years as RMR Director, my goal is to communicate with all states in the Rocky Mountain Region and learn more about each of the state garden clubs. I invite all garden club Presidents to contact me with any issues, problems, or just for a friendly chat.
My theme for the next two years is "Plant America-Planting in Harmony with Nature." Though I enjoy all types of gardening, the ultimate joy is working with Mother Nature to enhance further and beautify our yards, parks, and forest naturally. I hope to visit with many of you at the RMR Annual Meeting in Kansas and look forward to many new friendships.
Your Friend in Gardening
Margie Soileau
"Planting in Harmony with Nature"
Our beautiful Rocky Mountain Region includes the following States: Colorado, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming.
Award of Excellence Chair: Sandra Dennis
Awards Chair:
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